Monday, November 7, 2011

Tonga and Fiji

It is now the first sea day for the Melbourne Cruise. But I will write about this cruise later and talk about the long 16 day cruise that we just finished yesterday.

I found that I don't really talk about my job too much. What gets me by and makes me love what I am doing is the time that I get off the ship and do things that I've always wanted to do.

As a musician on board we need to figure out what the audience wants to hear to make them enjoy there stay on the ship. For myself it is pretty sweet because I can play whatever I want to compared to the acts that are pre-set. This does not mean I don't get sick of what I play but I can change things up to make it more interesting or just learn more tunes. I feel so lucky to have my job because it is my show and as long as I entertain people that is all I have to do. Last cruise we found that changing from older jazz tunes to oldies was the best way to make everyone happy with a few pop and rock tunes slipping in here and there. It can be tough sometimes but fun it always fun! Aussies love to be entertained and that is what I love the best. We kick it with the passengers and get them to perform with us. That gets everyone involved and makes the show shine way better when it includes the audience.

Some cruises can be between five to 16 days long. The shorter cruises normally have a much younger age group compared to the longer cruises, which keeps us “entertainers” on our toes. It is so nice to have a younger crowd after the last cruise because everything is more lively (no offense.. please). But let me go back to the beginning of the last cruise to Tonga and Fiji.

The first port on this cruise was the Norfork Islands. I didn't get off the ship because the tenders had a hard time getting passengers to shore and back because of the swells and I heard people were getting sick on the tenders. As I was hanging outside with Jenny, Yvet, Sophie, Pippa, and Sean (who are singer/dancers from England), they said that that island looked like england which I found fascinating because I have never seen england. There were islands all around us which were so pretty!

Our second and third port was Tonga. The first Tonga port Matt actually got out of bed and came out! A big group of us got on the tender and stepped on to the island. We walked around and jumped in the water and played with some star fish. Then we had drinks at this small restaurant that had a pool out side with no water in it. Not sure why it is not being used. The weather was so warm and sunny and the people were great. The local life on some of these islands are so fascinating.

The second Tonga port was even better. It was interesting how it all worked out. About 20 of us got off the ship together and took either a taxi's or the shuttle to town. When we got there everyone was trying to find something fun to do. We ended up splitting up and Jenny, Yvet (Jennys friend that got signed on for the cruise), Pippa, Sara, Aaron, Richard, Simon and I decided to take a taxi to the other side of the island to a beach. It was a 30 min taxi ride but it was so cool seeing the different villages, pigs and dogs walking around and people living such a chill life. We went to a “resort” which had only about 6 other locals in it and us. It was nice to be away from passengers and crew and hangout like we are normal people.. we sunbathed, got food, had some drinks, snorkeled and went kayak surfing. Pippa and I went way out with our snorkel gear and found a drop off that was so scary. It was so un real and cool looking. It looked like cliffs and mountains were under us. Later we jumped in some kayaks that the resort had and surfed the waves. That was so fun!! I love surfing!

After about three of four hours we got in our taxi and headed back into town. At most of the island we go to the taxi drivers always stay and wait for you and then take you back. They don't normally drop you off and then go find another client. Since we took two taxi's to this place, they just chilled under the deck and slept. When we went back to town, Jenni, Yvet and I got some ice cream and walked around while the other had to get back to work. We eventually got another taxi back to the ship but, I got to drive to the ship! I have never driven on the opposite side of the road and the taxi driver let me. It was so sweet!! We have it on film!

Fiji is always amazing!! We went to I think three different fiji ports. I have been to them once before and it is one of the best tropical places you could ever go to. A bunch of us got a bloody right when we got off the tender and had some food. Then we went to the hilton resort and I went sailing, for the first time and did well. Jenny, yvet and I rented a cat for 30 bucks and sailed. At first there was not much wind but eventually it picked up and we were cruising. Now I know what I am doing and plan to do more of that. We then went back to the main tender area where we get picked up and went through some shops. One of the bigger shops had a fiji man playing the guitar. I walked around and saw a djembe drum and started playing it. One of the people that worked at the shop asked me to play with the man performing and we did a few songs together which was so fun. A big audience circled around us which made it so great.

On the last fiji port which was a fiji island, a few of us rented a boat and was driven to a snorkeling area. It was the best idea ever! Jenny, Pippa and I jumped in right away and headed in the coral and within minutes we saw a real SHARK! It was the craziest thing ever. I first looked and had to look again and then brought my head out of the water and yelled SHARK!!! As I did that Jenny also saw it and yelled shark! Pippa then came by me as I followed it and she got to see it too. It was a reef shark about as big as us. I kept my distance but followed it for a bit and eventually noticed no one was around and then I looked up and saw everyone back in the boat watching me. They then came back out but it was funny and crazy!!! Seeing a real shark in the wild was an experience. I did not feel threatened by it because it was far enough away doing its own thing. And I know that most sharks eat small fish and not big things but I do know anything can happen. It was an amazing all together!

All together this cruise was just great! I cut my own hair one day after we came back on board and it turned out pretty good. I just felt I needed a trim and started cutting with a sizers until I liked it. You can really mess up my hair..

After the fiji cruise we then did a five day cruise to Melbourne, I will write about that tomorrow because it is late. It is already after the melbourne cruise and so I am way behind. I will get my act together soon hopefully. Peace, Love and God Bless!!!!  

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